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compr | ar | beb | er | viv | ir | ||||
yo tú él/ella/Ud. nosotros, -as vosotros, -as ellos/ellas/Uds. |
compr compr compr compr compr compr |
o as a amos áis an |
beb beb beb beb beb beb |
o es e emos éis en |
viv viv viv viv viv viv |
o es e imos ís en |
¿Quieres tomar algo?
Do you want
something to drink?
¿Estudias o trabajas?
you study or work?
Viven y trabajan en Londres
They live and work in London
Llegamos el lunes
We arrive on
Mi tren sale a las siete
My train
leaves at seven
Nunca salimos
We never go out
No conducen nunca por Madrid
never drive in Madrid
¿Qué haces esta noche?
What are you
doing tonight?
Salimos a las nueve
We are leaving
at nine
Te veo mañana
I'll see you tomorrow
Shall we dance?
¿A que hora quedamos y donde?
and where shall we meet?
The simple present can express events started in the past and are still going on when used in conjunction with "desde" (since), "hace + time expression + que", "desde hace" (for) Eg: |
Vivimos en Barcelona desde enero
We have lived in Barcelona since January
Hace días que no te veo
I haven’t seen you for days
Soy vegetariano desde
hace un mes
I have been a vegetarian for a month
The verb "llevar", which normally means "to bring / to carry", is also used in the present tense to speak about situations that started in the past and are still continuing or have just finished. |
Este museo lleva cerrado cinco años
museum has been closed for five years
¿Cuánto tiempo llevas aquí?
How long
have you been here?
Llevo 5 horas esperándote
I've been
waiting for you for 5 hours
The verb "acabar", which normally means "to end / to finish", is also used in the present tense (followed by the preposition "de" + infinitive) to talk about an action that started in the past and stopped recently. |
Acabo de despertarme
I have just
woken up
Acabamos de llegar
We've just
Acaba de terminar
He has just