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yo tú él/ella/Ud. nosotros, -as vosotros, -as ellos/ellas/Uds. |
me te se nos os se |
+ verb |
Reflexive verbs are conjugated normally, but they are always accompanied by "reflexive pronouns" (me, te, se, nos, os, se). The purpose of the reflexive pronouns is to show that the action of the verb remains with the subject. Eg: |
Me afeito cada mañana
I shave every
morning (Literally, I shave myself every morning)
Juan se lava la cara
Juan washes his
Me alegro por ti
I'm happy for you
Anoche me acosté muy tarde
night I went to bed very late
Mis padres se acuestan a las diez de la noche
My parents go to bed at 10:00 pm
Nos levantamos a las ocho
We get up
at 8:00 am
¿Te despiertas temprano?
Do you wake
up early?
Me voy
I'm off
¿Cuándo os vais?
When are you
(plural) leaving?
Go away!