Anunciar em Conversation Exchange

Conversation Exchange is one of the largest international language learning community. We offer a banner program in order to promote your services to our users. Supported sizes are 320x50, 160x600, 300x250 and 728x90.

If you do not have a banner we can design one for you free of charge as long as you provide us with images and text that go along with it.

Your banner can be displayed in a defined city or country to users speaking or learning a specific language, thus minimizing the waste of impressions and maximizing your target. We can provide the demographics of the area(s) you are interested in and, at the end of each campaign, a full report of all clicks your banner received.

Our model is pretty simple: you charge the banner with a fixed amount of clicks. Once all clicks are used (we only count unique user clicks), you will have the option of recharging them and keep the banner showing.

No commitment and no contracts.

All you need to start a campaign is the following:

  • Contact e-mail
  • Landing page (ex.
  • Banner in gif, jpg or png format
  • Target city or country (optional)
  • Target native language (optional)
  • Target practicing language (optional)
  • Target gender (optional)
  • Paypal payment
If you have questions contact us here.