
Thank you so much for the support. I just wanted to let you know this is the first time I purchase a membership and among all sites and platforms, I found only Conversation Exchange to be worth it. Thanks for the organization of your site.

Mahmoud - December 2024

I have been using Conversation Exchange for about a decade. I've made lots of friends in various countries through this simple, reliable website, and together, we have learned a lot. When I had problems, the help was fast and got me back into my account. I often recommend CE to people who are learning languages and will continue to do so. Thank you for this great service!

Kane - December 2024

I have tried lots of websites for language exchange but have to say that this one is the number one. Everything through it makes sense, i.e. there are no possibility to upload your profile photo, which makes the site even more language learning friendly and serving its purpose.

Hakan - October 2024

You are the best! Best exchange language website ever! Thanks to you, I've really made friends with linguistic partners through your app and you are very present when I ask a question.

Daniel - August 2024

Can I just give you a huge thank you for your excellent website. Well done, bravo! You are doing a great job there and are much appreciated.
All best wishes

Rob - June 2024

I am very pleased with the site. Ever since Italki shut down their language partner search feature I have been looking for a workable substitute. Other apps, like Tandem, seem to prioritize use of the app over finding good language partners to work with. I want meaningful conversations with other dedicated language learners, and I have already had one excellent conversation since joining Conversation Exchange. I look forward to many more.

Erik - June 2024

I’ve been using Conversation Exchange off and on for about five years, and it has made all the difference in my language learning progress. I’ve tried several other platforms and I always come back to CE. There’s a far higher percentage of serious learners. The inevitable flirts and scammers are promptly dealt with by the admins. The folks here are serious about learning; I’ve made great friends and connected with helpful study-buddies. I highly recommend this platform and hope it’ll be around for years to come.

Grace - Dec 2023

This is the first time I have had a site share when there is a scammer with such a good description. Thank you!!!!

Mark - Oct 2023

Ciao, bello ricevere un messaggio in italiano (difatti, ho letto nel vostro sito internet che siamo connazionali)! Utilizzo Conversation Exchange da vari anni, anche se in modo molto sporadico, e la ritengo tra le migliori applicazioni da me usate per lo scambio linguistico (una decina di anni fa ne usavo diverse, compresa la vostra). Grazie ancora, apprezzo molto! Tutto il meglio.

David - Jul 2023

Thank you for making the Conversation Exchange website available to everyone. I have met many great people thanks to you!

Lucie - Mar 2023

I'm a new language learner and came across this website because I was searching for opportunities to converse with native speakers and improve my vocabulary. My experience thus far has been extremely positive. I have connected quickly with several other members who also want to learn a language and the entire process has been seamless. It was very easy to input search criteria and message others. I have had a wonderful experience, and the admin team is very responsive and aware of any safety concerns. I highly recommend this site for serious language learners who want to practice and put their knowledge to the test.

Courtney - Feb 2023

For more than a decade, Conversation Exchange has been alongside me on my journey to become a polyglot. Six languages later, I still use the website to continue to hone my skills. In a time of apps, CE is still the “no frills” option to find serious language learners of all levels and backgrounds. Because of our shared love for languages, CE has also allowed me to make meaningful connections with other members, many of whom have remained my friends for years. I owe you much more than a beer. Cheers to many more years of language learning!

Sam – Feb 2023

No junk no mess no fuss no mucking about, just does what it says on the tin. That's so rare in 2022! So, just: Thanks.

Rockfruit – Sep 2022

Ciao ragazzi (avete scritto che siete due "italian guys"),
vi scrivo per ringraziarvi di cuore della vostra ottima idea di offrire questa app! E' proprio quello che cercavo da tanto tempo, mi permetterà di praticare le mie lingue - che bello :-).
Vi offrirò senz'altro una birra ;-)

Elena – Sep 2022

Thanks so much. I *love* this site - I’ve met great people and it has helped my Spanish enormously. I totally owe you a beer.

Kelly – Sep 2022

I’ve been telling friends about this amazing site for years. It’s the best method for language learning in existence. I get to choose 100% exactly how I want to learn and from whom. For the first two years, I wanted only conversation, no grammar. Now that I am becoming more fluent, I want some basic grammar. It’s great being the one who decides, given that everyone learns a different way. I’ve had over 40 teachers. When they are great, I make new appointments. When their methods don’t suit my needs, I look for another teacher. I signed up for language courses in Italy twice, and each time came back disappointed without having learned anything. One course lasted 4 weeks, 6 hours a day, but although they advertised conversational classes, it was mostly conjugations on the blackboard, on hot summer days, as I dozed off. I had to pay for the courses, transportation there, and rent. Your site is 1000 times better than any boring class. And I’m a professional language teacher so I should know. I love learning in the comfort of my home. And it’s easy to build friendships via skype. We travel to Italy once or twice a year, so you’d think it'd be easy to converse there. But it’s quite challenging to turn to strangers in a café or sitting on steps/piazza in a square and strike up a conversation. I may ask the time, che ora e'?” and get a 2-word reply, because people are off to work or chatting with friends. On Conversation Exchange, there are only people in no hurry and interested in chatting with strangers. I've visited several of my teachers in Italy, and several have visited me. For my research, I once needed Polish, Yiddish, Lithuanian and Japanese documents translated. I made agreements with members that I would teach them English in exchange for them translating my docs. This worked out very well, and although that research ended a few years ago, I am still teaching them English without any exchange, simply because it is fun to help my new friends. In fact, I sometimes teach their children. It’s amazing that this site is free, except for the minimal membership fee I pay to see no ads. I love Conversation Exchange, and I’m so happy I finally got to realise my life-long dream of learning Italian.

Arlette - Mar 2022

This website has given me many beautiful experiences and met very nice people. I've been using it for the past years occasionally. Thank you and I hope you will be here to stay for more time now!

Andrei – Oct 2021

What a FANTASTIC site!! I am a Peace Corps Volunteer currently on hold because of COVID. The country where I will serve is Mexico. I will hopefully be in Mexico next summer. In the meantime, your site has given me the opportunity to practice Spanish, teach conversational English AND have great conversations with Mexican people. I contacted Peace Corps and told them about your site. I think it can be a great resource for Peace Corps volunteers around the world who study hundreds of languages. Thank you for this wonderful resource and for connecting people.

Mary – Oct 2021

I have been overwhelmed by positive responses to my profile. Despite the fact that I included my age (84), so many much younger people from around the world are keen to share diverse learning opportunities. I now have regular audio time slots for English/Spanish with two people, a Spanish pen pal with similar interests and two very different conversation partners from other countries keen just to practise spoken English and find out about each other's culture. Fortunately, I am a retired person so I can indulge my interests, although there are so many more people who would join us. Whoever came up with this idea and whoever manages the organisation WELL DONE and THANK YOU!

Kath – Sep 2021

I just wanted to say thanks for the site. I moved to Moscow 18 months ago and site has been excellent not just for language learning but as a way of meeting people here locally. In the time of COVID it has been especially useful. I have just bought you enough beer to get you wasted - but probably best not to drink it all at once! Wishing you happy holidays and all the best for 2021

Iain – Dec 2020

Nothing much to say except your website is rad. Thank you for creating a network like this. I love coming here :D

Claire – Nov 2020

Hello! I just wanted to express my gratitude for this wonderful website. I have 2 long term language partners for my target language (Korean) that I met here and have recommended this website to the participants of my language exchange meet up. This is an awesome way to meet others who are serious language learners. I hope you guys have a great day and thank you again!

Hadiya – Oct 2020

Thank you guys, you rock. I am so enjoying using this site and grateful for your vision!!!

Rachel Rafiefar – May 2020

A very big DANKESCHÖN from Wilhelmshaven in Germany! The website you have created and keep going so well is perfect for regaining the joy and ambition of learning a foreign language.
I have sent your link to many friends and family since I am completely convinced of the contribution you are making to so many people's lives all over the world.

Anne – Mar 2020

It is a small word that I want to express honestly and sincerely, this word is thank you... Thank you for your continuous efforts.

From Morocco – Mar 2020

Well, I just joined, but I have been looking for such a site for a while. I don't know how I've missed yours! I was pleased to see that there are many people in my age group available to exchange conversation with, I thought it might be mostly younger people. I am happy that there are many who can help me with the languages that I want to work on, Spanish and German and eventually French too. I am an ESL teacher, so I will be able to help anyone with English. Congratulations on your site, I will spread the word!

Kat – Feb 2020

This website has literally changed my life. My Spanish learning was moving at a snail's pace before I started speaking to people all over the world. I am not completely fluent but I'm getting there. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!

Maureen – Oct 2019

Buongiorno! Sono membro di Conversation Exchange da molti anni e volevo ringraziarvi per questa piattaforma. Ho conosciuto vari amici e anche ho pure conosciuto mio marito qui! Un saluto!

Raffi – Jul 2019

I have found a number of great partners on your site. I would like to thank your company so much: my language has come on leaps and bounds.

Marian – Jun 2019

Hi, dear founders. I don't have any suggestions or questions. I just want to say "thank you" for creating such an amazing and wonderful site where everyone can learn and practice languages!

Murad – Sept 2018

Hi. I'm a Chinese guy and very interested in learning English. Thank you very much for creating such a nice website to let me meet lots of friends in various states. You saved me at least thousands of dollars in language learning. So make sure that once you get to Shanghai (where I live), please contact me. I'll be your tour guide with honor. And if you're interested in Chinese language and culture, Please ask me. I'll be very happy to help all of you. 非常感谢!

Andrew – March 2018

Hey guys,
I wanted to let you know that I absolutely looooove your site! It's so simple and yet so powerful! I have been using it for probably more than 5 years and I found most of my tandem partners through it. My Spanish spiked crazy after I started seeking tandem partners on conversationexchange.com. I have the German language learning blog sprachheld.de and have been recommending your site on probably every second article (like for instance my main article on tandem partners: sprachheld.de/tandempartner) because it is so extremely useful! Keep up the good work!

Gabriel - Jan 2017

Hi, guys!
I'd like to thank you for the great web-site! Signing up was one of the best decision...
This year I'm moving from Moscow to Calgary and planning on radically shifting my career...
Not mentioning a considerable improvement that my English skills have see...
You've done a great job! I believe that people like you who contribute to bridging a gap between nations and inspire others to learn are those who make the world a better place to live.

Aleksandra – Sep 2015

One day I started learning German in order to be able to understand what my studies at the University were about. I felt like my German was really poor and that I needed someone to speak with me in my free time.
In my opinion speaking with a native speaker is one of the best ways to learn a new language.

Sylvi – 2015

Thanks to your site I made a whole network of friends in my local city, and am now emigrating. You changed my life, I owe you a lot more than 10 dollars, thanks so much for keeping your site free!

Diarmaid - Sep 2014

This site is one the greatest contributions to the world anyone has ever made. It has changed so many lives for the better. I hope you folks can keep this going. Thank you.

Nathan - Aug 2014

I am from India , my name is Leann and I have been learning Spanish for the past one and a half year. As I wanted to learn to speak the language more fluently, I started searching the internet for a site that would give me this opportunity. After a lot of searching,I stumbled upon this site and trust me after that there is no looking back. I am extremely happy that this site is free and it has helped me in a big way to speak Spanish more fluently. I am extremely grateful to all the people involved in making this website. You'll are doing an amazing job. Keep up the good work..!!!! This site has helped me connect to so many native Spanish speakers and it gives me an amazing opportunity to learn and understand more about the language.
I just want to end by saying "Thank You" for this amazing website. It has really helped me a lot. God Bless you'll.

Leann - Mar 2014

Auguri a voi per un sito molto utile. Non è mai stato così facile trovare un scambio linguistico e culturale. Dopo anni studiando l'italiano posso finalmente usare tutto quello che ho imparato, e anche fare di più! Incontrare nuovi amici e imparare delle culture straniere.
Thank you, keep up the good work!

Nick - Feb 2014

This website is amazing. I joined it after I moved to another country where I didn't know anyone or speak the language. It has been the single most important thing I have done to improve my knowledge of the language, and it has also enabled me to meet lots of nice, interesting people and has increased my confidence no end! I am constantly recommending it to people I know and sometimes even people I don't!

Thanks again guys, what you have done is very much appreciated!!

Emily - Feb 2014

I just wanted to thank you for the website...

I put my profile up yesterday and I had to take it down within half a day because I had so many responses. What a great website!

Hayley - Jan 2014

This is a great site! This fills a gap in language learning, especially for adults. Quite a few people can read and understand pretty fluently but are not able to speak for the simple fact that they have no opportunities. I've been using the site for 4 or 5 months and have had many lengthy conversations with people (English/French) who are interested in language acquisition. It makes all the difference in the world.

Dale - Jan 2014


I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much the site conversation exchange means to me. Thank you four having this site out there four ppl. I made great friends and meet many amazing ppl. Iv learned a language and traveled to half way around the world and meet many of them. Plus discovered new cultures...
Thank you again, i hope this site stays around and out there for many more years to come.

Candice - Dec 2013

Ragazzi, siete assolutamente geniali! vi ho versato 10 dollari, anche se sono disoccupata, perchè le idee geniali vanno premiate.
Coraggio, in italia abbiamo bisogno di sperare in giovani come voi.
Con affetto, da una mamma di 54 anni con 2 ragazzi da crescere....

Roberta - Apr 2013

I just want to express my thanks to you. I have had a great experience with your site so far. It is simple, functional, and honest--not excessive, yet extremely useful. It was exactly what I needed to practice Spanish. Sharing languages is so much fun!

Yours is a site far superior to some of the others I looked at... and they even cost money, while yours is free.

Thanks again.


Greg - Apr 2013

I would just like to tell you how terrific I find conversation exchange. My language skills are increasing rapidly and I have made a great new friend. Thank you for your wonderful website.

Marion - Jan 2013

Hi there, just wanted to let you know that you run a GREAT website. I have been studying Spanish with several people that I met through Conversation Exchange, while helping them with their English. I'm very passionate about language and helping others, so this site has been a perfect resource for me and I try to spread the word as much as I can. I also love that the interface is not cluttered and it is very simple to use. Thanks and keep it going!

Raj - Feb 2013

I must thank you for this amazing free service. Currently, I am able to learn Finnish much faster than otherwise possible.

Jeremy - May 2012

I like the design of conversionExchange.com.
It's simple, and functions gracefully. Everything is exactly how one would expect it to work.

This site and it's service is so brilliant I will recommend it to others.

Thanks conversationExchange.com!!

Hou-Yin - May 2012

Hi Conversation Exchange!!

Thanks to your website I'm doing several exchanges in my hometown Toulouse. I've not only met very nice people, but I've also improved my English.

Thank you very much!

Adele - Jan 2012

I just wanted to pass on a big thank you to whoever started this site as it has given me the opportunity to practise languages with others who share a similar interest. Nearly all the people I meet have a very positive attitude and it has enabled me to make several foreign friends both in London and abroad where I speak to them through Skype.
Thanks again

Joce - November 2011

I just wanted to say that I am really impressed with your website. It's so easy to use and I've met some very nice people with whom to do language exchanges. Thank you very much!

Sue – May 2011

Hi dear friends I am Mehdi from Iran, a native speaker of Farsi language, i have been a member of conversationexchange.com for some years, and I have used your excellent website a lot to tell the other nations my honest regards, I just wanted to appreciate you for your website, THANK YOU SO MUCH, best regards for you who help people know each other better, you are an important part of the international peace process, thanks a lot and good luck. Mehdi from Iran

Mehdi – Feb 2011

I just wanted to say to you THANK YOU!!! And congratulations! This website is the best thing I've ever seen in my whole "virtual" life!!! It is easy, comfortable and nice to watch (a great format, accessible...). There are a lot of people and I had always a great experience with my conversation exchange partners!!

I am delighted with you!!

Natalia – Jan 2011