Past Participle

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The past participle is used in conjunction with the auxiliary verb "haber" to form compound past tenses

Compound Tenses ~ Tiempos compuestos

Present Perfect ~ Pretérito perfecto

Present indicative of "haber" + past participle

He vivido en Inglaterra por dos años
I lived in Enland for two years

Todavia no han empezado
They haven't started yet

Past Perfect ~ Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto

Imperfect of "haber" + past participle

Yo había salido cuando el vino
I had gone out when he came

Te llamé esta mañana pero ya te habías ido a trabajar
I called you this morning but you had already gone to work

Future Perfect ~ Futuro Perfecto

Future of "haber" + past participle

Antes de que vengas, yo ya habré terminado
Before you come, I will have finished

¿Habrán comido ya?
Will they not have already eaten?

Conditional Perfect ~ Conditional perfecto

Conditional of "haber" + past participle

Habría llamado ayer si hubiera podido
I would have phoned yesterday if I had been able to

Carmen habría venido pero no tenía el coche
Carmen would have come but she didn't have the car

Present Perfect Subjunctive

Present subjunctive of "haber" + past participle

Espero que la película no haya empezado ya
I hope the film has not started yet

Te llamaré cuando haya terminado
I will call you when I have finished

Pluperfect Subjunctive

Imperfect subjunctive of "haber" + past participle

Si hubieras venido, te habrías divertido mucho
If you had come you would have had a great time

Si lo hubiese sabido, no habría tenido problemas
If I had known, I wouldn't have had problems

Perfect Infinitive ~ Infinitivo Compuesto

Haber + past participle

Escribe tres preguntas después de haber leído este libro
Write three questions after reading this book

Perfect Gerund ~ Gerundio Compuesto

Habiendo + past participle

Habiendo visto ambas versiones...
Having seen both versions...